Catholic Conference

Wind & Flame Ignited by Truth Blog

How Spotify Can Help Your Spiritual Life

by Allison Mallory

The other day, I was driving to school and listening to music as I usually do. I started to think about all of the music I listen to on a daily basis. I am a music junkie. I listen to various types of music whenever I can. I listen when I wake up in the morning, when I am getting ready for school, when I am driving to and from school (or really anywhere for that matter), when I am working out, and when I am studying. If I had to guess, I probably spend about 50-75% of my day with some type of music playing.

Music carries us through many times of our life. When we lack the words to express the situations, or emotions we are experiencing, a song can perfectly convey what emotions and words we lack. Music accompanies us when we are sad, happy, celebratory… you name it, and music is present.

God Gave Us Music

church-organ-650869_1920When I realized how much music I listen to, I thought about doing a “music fast” since it is constantly around me. I soon realized that this would be counter-productive. God gave us, His Church, the gift of music as an instrument (no pun intended) to draw closer to Him.

You may have heard the saying “those who sing pray twice.” This quote is accredited to St. Augustine, although there is some speculation as to whether he actually said it. However, the popularity of the quote shows the importance the Church has placed on music. The Church recognizes how beneficial music is to a soul, and has a deep history of using music to lead its flock to Christ. In the early church, Gregorian Chant was used to teach those who were illiterate about the Bible. The sacred music was also used to worship Christ during the Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Church still has a high regard for music today, as we see every time we attend Mass. The Church today has an advantage that our ancestors did not have: modern technology. Now more than ever, music has the capability of improving our understanding of God right at the press of a button. If we use modern technologies systematically for spiritual growth, our prayer life will be multiplied and fruitful.

Music Today

One tool that we have today that gives us music at our fingertips is Spotify. A slogan that Spotify uses says, “listen whenever, wherever.” I know that I personify this motto when listening to dj-690986_1280Spotify.

The App allows me to pick whatever song I want, create playlists, and follow my friends and some
of my favorite artists. Its convenience makes it an excellent device for bringing God with us “wherever and whenever.” If Spotify is used to listen to Christian music, one will naturally start to put more emphasis on the spiritual life. If every song I played on my Spotify page were a Christian song, that means that I would increase my listening of God’s word by 50-75%. If the message that I am continually listening to is the message of the Cross, then I will be focused on the Cross. If we listen to Christian music for enjoyment, then we will increasingly enjoy Christ.

Ignited By Truth Spotify Page

Ignited By Truth has made it even easier to listen divinely. We have created our own Spotify page, under the username ignitedbytruth. Our Spotify page features multiple playlists from many genres of Christian music. If you follow us on our Spotify page, you will get access to updated playlists. Our music artist from this year’s conference, Dana Catherine, is featured on one of our playlists, “Ignited By Truth 2017.” There you can also find music that was sung during praise and worship adoration in our youth and young adult tracks.

Our “90’s Christian Gold” playlist (featuring artists like Jump5, Stacie Orrico, and, of course, Larry Boy) will take you back to your childhood when your days were spent watching Bible Man and Veggie Tales, and reading those short books about the saints. Take a listen!

Our “Trad Catholic” playlist is perfect for those of you who choose to party to Gregorian Chant. With pieces like “Kyrie Eleison”, “Hail Mary: Gentle Woman”, “O Salutaris”, and “Tantum Ergo”, there is no doubt that you will literally be able to smell incense after you finish this playlist.

We also have added a playlist of today’s best Christian pop, featuring artists like Tripp Lee, Lecrae, Hollyn, NEEDTOBREATHE, and Matt Maher. I like to listen to this playlist when I am driving, or when I am working out. It is full of upbeat music with the common theme of making every move for Christ.

Along with these playlists, there are three other playlists. Follow us, listen and let us know what you think! If you have suggestions of playlists to make, or music to add to a playlist, tweet us @ignitedbytruth with your suggestion, or comment on this post!

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Bringing to light the truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church and igniting in all hearts a love for the Faith.


Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church to give His Grace to all people. We continue His Mission to spread the Good News of God’s Love. Our hope is that through this conference, more people will see the beauty of the great treasure that God has given to the world in the Catholic Faith.


Ignited By Truth, Inc. is a North Carolina non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation.

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